Welcome! This site is for those who are looking for answers. From my books, audiobooks, podcast interviews or videos, every page will have some sort of conversation that I hope will expand your consciousness. So dig in. And stay spiritual, dammit!

Listen to the Jen Weigel Show right here from my website weekly, as I bring you all the best topics, & people to assist you along on your spiritual & wellness journey. For my latest show, click on the Jen Weigel Show or the Tab above!
Spiritual Social Club! I will be hosting live, and online intimate events with renown guest speakers, psychics, mediums, authors, doctors & authorities on different topics of discussion. Join my mailing list and you will receive our announcements for up coming shows, guests & other special offers! On Zoom and in person. Stay up to date, & subscribe to my Newsletter.

It’s official, STEP– The Storytelling Education Project is a non-profit program I started months ago to help the community of STEP to heal through storytelling. For three decades, I have been a story teller. Words have power – they can either connect us or divide us. There are so many stories of inspiration that aren’t getting the attention they deserve. My goal is to shine a light on the things that are working. We can go through hardships, and come out the other side with resilience. And a well written story can have a ripple effect that will change lives.
Jen Weigel – Founder
Our Mission
Storytelling Education Project is created to connect, educate, and enlighten people through storytelling, either through film, comedy, theater, books, music, through live events, workshops, film festivals, classes, educational outreach and partnerships. Staff will be operated exclusively for such purposes and encourage all ages, races, and demographics to tell their stories. Tell me your story (Here)
Sponsorships and Partnerships are always welcome, please contact me (Here) or to support us click (Donate)